12 August 2024

05 June 2024

10 May 2024

bad tension is an image of reality that the mind interposes between us and the world
Break the hegemony of head. Tail (other end of spine) is key.
This book is dedicated to all of the indigenous peoples of the world who carry out Original Instruction while we kill you to build one giant conformist amusement park.

08 May 2024

force serves ego
energy serves spirit

spirit reaches headtop
(paying attention)

We only truly listen when we allow what we hear to change us.
faith means no doubts
it saves a lot of time

discipline means no distractions
it saves a lot of energy

07 May 2024

It takes two years to learn to speak and sixty to learn to keep quiet.

04 May 2024

shoulders sink into hips
hips sink into feet

03 May 2024

in the fulness of time

02 May 2024

stillness not stiffness
Reality a vast entanglement of caress. Indra's Net.
If you are lonely when you’re alone you are in bad company.

01 May 2024

facing the truth always strips away defences and leaves you feeling raw, fragile, vulnerable
beyond a humanized earth