31 January 2024

practice: putting in the hours
at the vanguard 
at the fore 
the forefront 
the be-fore 
at the presencing of the moment 
this is what we mean by 'raw' 
it's what all enlightened masters have in common
I have the impression that many of us are afraid of silence.
it takes humility to engage an easy mundane activity like breathing as though it's the most important & interesting thing in the world (which of course it is)

30 January 2024

meditation: holding nothing back
meditation: giving up your whole self to the moment
The word 'awareness' dates from 1828. Before that it was 'awaredom'.

29 January 2024

Most artists want to make things a bit more difficult for themselves as they go along, to challenge themselves.
as though for the first time everytime
slip past the defenses of the ego

28 January 2024

when I cling to the past I invite the past to repeat itself
Spiritual teachers often hold their students back by giving too much information. Our approach in Taiji is to teach techniques and exercises which, if practised, will improve your energy sufficiently to break into and sustain awareness, understanding and realisation for yourself.
The essential thing is to work in a state of mind that approaches prayer.
only through practice will you ever internalise the teaching and thereby break free of the teacher
ego clings to life as though that's all there is

27 January 2024

put spirit back into spiritual
Back in the eighties I taught a short introductory Taijiquan course at a posh health/sports centre in the Barbican in London. During my interview for the job I asked them why they needed Taiji when they already offered judo, karate and taikwondo. They replied: We'd like you to put the art back into martial art.
Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.
whatever issues from a true source will be different
a generous disposition

26 January 2024

heart: courage or enthusiasm especially when maintained during a difficult situation : never lose heart
I really believe now that our core practice should be meditation. As inner quiet improves, the mind is better able to concentrate and finely feel the body and its energy. Taiji practice then becomes an endless review and reinterpretation of its basic principles.
Most artists work all the time, they do actually, especially good artists, they work all the time, what else is there to do?
mind can only wander if the shoulders rise
meditation masters mood

25 January 2024

attack is centrifugal
yield is centripetal
Eschew all gnosis, all notion that knowledge gives an (undeserved) advantage. It is not knowledge we work for but emptiness.
never pass up an opportunity to do some work
the only thing worth desiring is to be free of desire
meditation: contemplative lingering
love of god and love for god are the same
My daughter is studying Utilitarianism in her philosophy class at school: the quantification of 'happiness' so that attempts can be made to maximise it. We talked about it and decided that since living requires injustice on some level, a more ethical life would be one that minimises injustice.
Nature is not on the surface, it is deep down.
it's been obvious now for a long time that we can't go on like this: consuming & disposing
something has to change

24 January 2024

the peace we seek is behind the pain
the love we seek is behind the resentment
The thinking mind freezes out natural activity so that it can produce a barrage of word after word after word, signifying nothing but anxiety. Meditation teaches us to relax and melt – thaw – this mind. Then if words do come, they issue from the silence rather than from themselves and are far more likely to mean something.

23 January 2024

Why speak of the use
of poetry? Poetry
is what uses us.
whatever can be stated is already old hat
meditation: investigating the nature of silence

22 January 2024

without obedience there can be no progress
Free countries have the highest taxes. Tons of ground work. A cost to everything.
a battle emerges in the soul between good aspirations and bad habits

21 January 2024

be not wholly given over to a secular life of distraction
natural and therefore lawful
the good teacher takes you places you don't want to go, and the good student is all too willing to follow
We talk to ourselves to comfort the ego. This is why the voice in our heads must be stopped. Spiritual work starts when the mind stops. And until we have reached the stage of inner silence then the work we do is mere preparation for the real work.

20 January 2024

Silence is a world in itself.

19 January 2024

all things being equal, superior spirit wins the day
meditation: adrift on a sea of silence
wrestle with yourself rather than talk to yourself
The teacher's job is to say Yes when you get it right and No when you get it wrong. No is bound to outnumber Yes so get used to it.

18 January 2024

Comfort the troubled, and trouble the comfortable.
yield contains
attack escapes
meditation: spinning a thread of golden time

17 January 2024

16 January 2024

body returns to the earth
mind returns to dantien
When I was a kid one of the worst things a parent could do was 'spoil' their children (teach them to be selfish). Nowadays, unless you're spoiling your children you're not a good parent.
Happiness isn’t a town on a map, or an early arrival, or a job well done, but good work ongoing.

you don't get mind into the dantien by looking down into it but by looking outward with real interest & intensity

body springs from the earth
mind springs from dantien

15 January 2024

Practice is a way of life, a way of living, a way of navigating a path through the deluge of information and noise.
the scientist enters the unknown to make it known

the mystic enters the unknown to reach the unknowable
Nothing has changed the nature of man so much as the loss of silence.

dantien is both the top of the lower body – a palace on a hill – and the bottom of the upper body – a valley lake or reservoir
staying pure
staying true

14 January 2024

practice must invite change
You only come to the internal when you realise that there is no external. And vice versa. Reality is not divided. There are simply different ways of looking at it.
to know, love, and serve the universe with a passion
to love the “invisible”
to love the “not-yet”
dantien centres the body and gathers the ground so that you have a base within to work from
practice is the most radical act
dantien is a centre about which the body will gather itself if you let it

When I was a kid one of the worst things a parent could do was 'spoil' their children (teach them to be selfish). Nowadays, unless you're spoiling your children you're not a 'good' parent.
Alternatives are of no use if they can be immediately folded back into the system they are attempting to escape from.
the body should be a conditioned sprung sensitive machine raring to respond to the slightest stimulus
the best exercise is the one you do regularly
taiji is a machine for conditioning the body, emptying the mind and sharpening the spirit
Before you can successfully yield you must be able to properly attack. By 'properly attack' I mean project your energy from the ground via the dantien rather than from your ego.
Sunlight of the spirit—
Courage is not the absence of fear
the internal is the world of energy particularly spirit
the external is the world of matter particularly things
if in doubt use your nous or what some would call your nose – sniff it out
the soul must be disciplined but that discipline must come from within otherwise it is worthless
At every stage, in every aspect, Taiji is simply leaving the head and entering the body, so that we can be simply present in the natural physical world, with no ideas, no self, getting in the way.
the temple bell stops but
the sound keeps coming out
of the flowers
when the teacher insists that you allow his ego to prevail over yours then it's time to say goodbye
dao does not admit ego

prayer begs forgiveness
Given that the highest stage of Taiji is 'nothing' (proof for me that, in the right hands, it is a spiritual discipline) then clinging to the conviction that you're 'something' will obviously hold you back.
Memory is a poet, not a historian.
chose the unconditional conjunction 'and' over the conditional 'if' 'but' 'or'
prayer is doing your little bit

13 January 2024

meditation maintains buoyancy
Beauty, like happiness, is not something we consume at our leisure & pleasure, but something we produce by being supremely attentive & alive. Beauty is in the heart rather than the eye of the beholder.
Our only guide is our homesickness.
sticking the bum out is a reluctance to bend the legs
sun breaks

the constant

flooding my

a strident


12 January 2024

ever thankful for
small mercies


11 January 2024

Critical analysis is an attempt to place the creative event within a framework of sense and meaning, precisely the opposite of creativity itself which struggles to break free of constraints of meaning.
I mean that there must come a time when, after a man has mastered the essentials of the craft, he must then crack and break and snarl his own smoothness, so that he can let his own voice come through his poems.
reducing the self
increasing the world
there was
a time

when we
stood among

stones sacred
as they

and held
our own
sun appears
after rain

and every
thing lightens
We live lives saturated in language. If we're not speaking or being spoken to then we're chatting to ourselves in our own heads. Meditation attempts to break this stranglehold by concentrating on a much longer rhythm – the breathing.
The fiercest hearts are in love with a wild perfection.

the struggle for the student is to find their rhythm

once found simply spend a life beating / repeating it
shall we gather
by the river?

10 January 2024

prayer opens a channel
I have friends and acquaintances here who regularly take megadoses of psychotropic substances: mushrooms, ayahuasca, LSD, ketamin, MDMA, to induce 'spiritual' experiences. And they do indeed have 'amazing' experiences (which in their minds makes them 'special') but, being spiritually immature, they fail to realise that it's not the intensity or even the quality of their experiences that matter, but what in Taiji we call 'mind continuous'. Can you keep a thread of internal quiet going through your day?
If you would have the kernel, you must break the shell.

taiji runs rings around the other
and remember, when you're practising on your own, you are the other
dailyness keeps the work alive

09 January 2024

the imagination gives reality a helping hand
HAWAIJ 'حوايج חוויג 

Yemeni sweet spice mix for tea / coffee

equal amounts of ground cardamom, cinnamon and ginger 
smaller amounts of ground cloves, chilli or black pepper, nutmeg, mace 

mix together well and put in dark airtight container 

add half a teaspoon or less per cup to coffee or tea before the boiling water 

especially good in the colder months
humanity will survive only if it manages to overcome the age of consumption
stop the mind and you will start to catch fleeting glimpses of the other side
language protects us from reality

08 January 2024

the Anthrobscene
Mindfulness: encountering mind in its fullness. And the large portion of mind is not perception or cogitation but memory, especially as you get older. Mindfulness is remembering.
Suddenly I realize
That if I stepped out of my body I would break
Into blossom.
things in themselves are not real
things enter reality when they relate with other things
reality is connectedness
meditation: becoming part of the furniture
meditation: using the breathing to slow down the mind to better fit the flow of time

07 January 2024

The Earth, at its core, contains a magnet that tugs matter towards it. The spirit and soul, having no material aspect, are not subject to this pull. Instead the infinity of the cosmos, the mind-boggling vastness, which we personify as God, draws the spiritual into it. When we lose sight of God then the spirit gets down, eventually leading to depression which we struggle to combat with material distraction and excess. This is why meditation – doing nothing – is always the most direct path to the spiritual.
Rest does not come from sleeping but from waking.
each of us a haunted house
meditation is becoming quiet so the ghosts can speak to us
only when we listen will they (and we) come to peace
this is the nature of karma
the persistence of the past

05 January 2024

I repeat, therefore I am.
The teacher we endeavour to remain ever open to, even (especially) in (their) death, because we have learnt, from (often bitter) experience, that whatever enters us from, or via, them, although difficult and painful, is beneficial, in the long run, to our lifelong and heroic struggle to combat the ego and thereby get closer to God.
At a touch of my hand,
The air fills with delicate creatures
From the other world.

04 January 2024

swaddled in soft sheets of turning
gospel : good spell

03 January 2024

excavation is the hardest work
If you want to get to the bottom of things, the underlying (root) causes, the implicate order, then you'll need to delve.
For me, philosophy is a discourse that concerns the inner life of the human being.
taiji is pretty much all ground work: a machine for delving
contentement de soi : self approval

02 January 2024

spirit re-enchants the world

01 January 2024

We possess an adequate endoskeleton yet we prefer to operate from an exoskeleton of tension and hardness.
A pure thought from a pure heart is better than a mantra.
nothing quite so unattractive as self-consciously beautiful
what goes around comes around
stop the mind then head & heart will gradually merge into one wondrous organ
Rushing headlong as the future rushes into the past. And all whilst sitting peacefully still.
be in the difficulty of what it is to be
feel the gentle current of time flowing by
karma: poetic justice