31 July 2021

Hobbled, if not crippled, by choice.
As soon as I gain the self I lose the ground. My only hope, spiritually, is to become dissatisfied with this exchange.

29 July 2021

When you understand how practice goes back and forth, then you will enjoy your practice.
fall in love with practice
practice like your life depends upon it

because it does
let yourself be swayed
A passion for practice. This, rather than practice itself, is the secret. It should be so strong that nothing can distract you.
How to awaken an intelligence that can distinguish the real from the illusory?
Ego is required to navigate the human universe. This is because the human universe has been made by people with egos.

24 July 2021

Physically we sprout from the earth. 
Spiritually we dangle from heaven. 
Or is it the other way around?

22 July 2021

Spirit rises when you need to fight for what's right. An entirely natural response to excess pressure.
It's all in the tone. An elastic tone. A tone produced by the rise of spirit.

21 July 2021

Better to have the mind of a wily fox than follow the way of self-control.
imaginative mind stimulates spirit
thinking mind suppresses it
No established method is wrong of itself. However none is complete either, though some are more complete than others.

20 July 2021

raring to go
Getting your own way is good for the self but bad for the soul. Suffering is good for the soul but bad for the self.
Astonishing! Everything is intelligent!
Sink & relax. Upper to lower. Chest to legs. Head to heart.
The humility to admit I've been wrong all these years. This should be a daily event. Otherwise there's nothing new – no reduction.
you have a much bigger range than you think

The only way to shift ingrained habits of mind is through a change of heart.
Shun public roads, walk unfrequented paths.
conscious labor & intentional suffering
practice works wonders
Self or Soul. The only choice.
If you cannot feel what you gain when you don't get your own way then this work is not for you.
Suzuki said he was most happy when his students shared in the joy of practice. He said that’s what Buddhism is – not enlightenment or understanding.

19 July 2021

Ego is a castle in the air, a fantasy with no real foundation. This is why its maintenance takes so much effort, and why its erosion simply requires a coming down to earth.

17 July 2021

an unending urgency

16 July 2021

A patchwork of insights. Just like life.
when i sink the world rises
The earth needs our work… now!
Awareness binds me to the moment, to time as it happens. It implies reciprocity. Oneness.
ever watchful
in standing become the high priest conjuring divine presence
Love is pure being. The energy of being. The energy that allows being to pour into the world.
A student got discouraged because the higher states he experienced always passed. “What’s the use?” he asked. 
Suzuki Roshi laughed and said, “That’s right, no use. All these states come and go, but if you continue your practice, you find there’s something underneath.”
A mind big enough – compassionate enough – to always embrace the Other. Without this there is no energy.
the joy of practice
So many people nowadays yet such poor energy, such poverty of spirit.
Now is always new. It's never happened before but it's happening now. If we come to it with memory and desire then we sully it and the world is a lesser place.

15 July 2021

Once I asked Suzuki Roshi, “What is Nirvana?” 
He replied: “Seeing one thing through to the end.”
The vast majority of what we do, we do out of habit, confirming and consolidating the Ego. Practice aims to unsettle the Ego so it must in some way cut through habitual self and challenge us to become different. Ritual evocations of spirit.
A sinking that invites the ground up into me. This is why we call it kissing the Earth. And why, when I asked my teacher where he felt his root, he tapped the top of his head.
a music barely audible
Stop activity (motion & emotion), return to stillness and you will experience the dance of equilibrium. The teeming.
what we do not dream we cannot manufacture
Attentive listening gives something back. A lift.
quietness & intimacy

14 July 2021

sit & stew
Lighten up. This the secret – spirit. Within the context of meditation, where you have to sit still, it becomes obvious that you only lighten up by relaxing down.

you gather 
  the glimmers 
    the gleanings
our measure of progress is always softness

11 July 2021

we are losing touch with touch
move on
The mind of practice has a handle on time – understands the long haul.
get into process otherwise the monotony of practice will defeat you
nothing to it

10 July 2021

an immeasurable vigilance
The opposite of ignorance is not gnosis, knowledge, but refinement. Ignorance is a lumpen coarseness which must be slowly comminuted into as many parts as possible so that energy can easily and readily ripple through. Like a leafy shrub shimmering in the breeze.

at first light 
  deer tremble 
    on the shore
fill the day with religious observance

09 July 2021

push extremes to generate the energy of return

It's difficult to take people who don't practice seriously.

07 July 2021

Instead of relying on the nebulous charms of your foibles, develop some real goodness. Practise!
at the edge 
   where so much 
      is at stake
abide in a gentle acceptance of impermanence

06 July 2021

Keeping options open lends an air of narcissistic unreliability and has a negative impact on the world. 
Reside in the body rather than the mind. Mind is language based; body energy based.
Pre-linguistic mind, the compassionate mind, our intersection with the energetic continuum, is only reached through the body.

04 July 2021

Was that a cathedral bell 
or the air conditioner?
Spiritual work is fundamentally depressive, but only for a while. It aims to depress the self so that spirit can enter the fray and rise in its stead. It is important the student understands this otherwise they risk becoming attached to the depression and working against spirit as well as self.
Monotheism is unnatural – the inevitable result of losing harmony with Nature. It is not a sign of progress but an indication that our species disappeared up its own fundament a long time ago.

03 July 2021

Truth is not something you know and repeat from memory but something you channel once a degree of internal quiet is achieved. It always comes through fresh and unexpected. The natural generation of novelty.
deeply suspicious of pretensions to beauty

02 July 2021

The most lonely places are the most lovely.
Softness accepts things in the fullness of their mystery. 
Hardness reduces things to the knowable for ease of use.

to understand you must become unsure of everything
It is crucial to have something in your life that is more important than you are. Something that takes precedence over your own comfort, convenience, happiness and salvation.
Although not a religious person, I find myself doing everything religiously.
standing like the pointer of a scale in equilibrium
we owe it to ourselves to test the rules
Energy has a life of its own, if you let it. This the work: learning to let it.
How to be happy? See the positive, feel the positive, make the positive, be the positive. ('Positive' is the lift of spirit.)

01 July 2021

Nothing better than serving real need, but nothing worse than falling victim to selfishness.