31 May 2020
Imagination becomes reality. Liang coined this phrase to encourage students to activate their imaginations. My teacher hated it. As far as he was concerned, the imagination is an ego construct. He would always say beyond the imagination. Whilst I agree with him, I still feel that the reality we endeavour to gain access to in Taiji – the subtle world of energy – can only be approached successfully through the imagination. The imagination is one step removed from the coarse version of reality perceived by the senses, and the subtle reality of energy is one step further removed from the world of the imagination. Think of the imagination as a necessary stepping stone to the real thing.
I tend to stay out of the loop, culturally, so generally know nothing of current events – the so-called 'news.' Information is always edited, censored, incomplete, if not downright false. Now this is true of any mechanism of information production – there is inevitable selection bias – and it is most evidently true for the process of perception: what I perceive of reality I have already edited and censored myself. This is effectively the ego, and anyone who doubts that the ego is the most draconian and prudish of censors should try hallucinogenic drugs.
We have stopped living in order to prolong life. A sign of institutional depression. A person who really lives is never going to make old bones. Real life – creative living – involves spirit – risk – and at some point that spirit will inevitably kill you. But what a glorious death! Far better than slowly whimpering to death.
30 May 2020
28 May 2020
27 May 2020
26 May 2020
25 May 2020
24 May 2020
23 May 2020
22 May 2020
21 May 2020
20 May 2020
19 May 2020
18 May 2020
17 May 2020
16 May 2020
how do I keep my research alive? how do I arrive at creative questions? how do I make myself sensitive and receptive to things that I am not looking for, but which can be important?
15 May 2020
In reality, man becomes more and more weak, and the countless techniques to which he resorts cannot compensate for his lack of natural energy.
14 May 2020
13 May 2020
12 May 2020
11 May 2020
10 May 2020
Survivors, so intensified and wounded by experience, come home to a land of somnambulists – dozy people who cannot understand and don't want to understand. That's life, to a degree, for us all. So harbour peak experiences, let them reverberate through your being and your time. They will anyway, but awareness, as always, is everything.
09 May 2020
08 May 2020
07 May 2020
The physical ground precedes us. There despite us rather than because of us. Firm, reliable, neutral, beneath. In taiji our every action springs up from it, or rather from our root – our energetic connexion with that ground. The same with the metaphysical ground or spiritual ground which underpins all spiritual striving. This must be found in the depths of our being so that our endeavours don't spring from selfishness. It is touched in moments of real despair, hopelessness and terror, and it is only from that pit that we can rise free of the trappings of self. We must regularly venture into this darkness, befriend it, root into it, knowing that it is the only way to reach true light. This is the meaning of both humility and humiliation.
06 May 2020
05 May 2020
04 May 2020
03 May 2020
02 May 2020
Music is mindful listening. Little to do with the production of sound, more in the ear/mind of the listener. Just stop and listen. Hear the various sounds, the levels of sound, the texture of sound, and hear how they all naturally organise themselves into one embracing soundscape with you at the centre. The world loves you simply by accommodating you.