21 October 2005


John once told me about a dear student. He explained that what made him special was his courage, which enabled him to step out of his conditioning when confronted by dangerous situations (such as being with his teacher). The way John described it was that he took one step forwards and so stood in front of his conditioning, leaving it behind him. It was an ability that enabled John to enter into energy exchanges and deep teaching transmissions with him on a regular basis.

This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. It just requires you to meet your teacher, raw and naked, at least half way.

1 comment

taiji heartwork said...

Courage is a matter of heart and spirit, and in the world of heart and spirit time does not exist - there is only the explosive NOW. This is the world your teacher tries to drag you, screaming, into. If you refuse it's not for lack of ability, it's because you're unwilling.