10 October 2005


JK has always said that the single instruction from Dr Chi that most affected him was the word Natural, or Natural way best way. John’s investigation of this has lead to the discovery that the heart is the primary natural function of the human being: touch and connexion and softness all aspects of heart, whereas the thinking mind is the unnatural function, the part that lives in denial (of heart), the part that tends to operate through disconnexion. What always astonishes me about John is just how much he drips with connectedness and heart. He is so much of and in the heartworld that even when he thinks it is still of that world. The average person’s brain is filled with facts and data, information, feelings, memories, experiences, and thinking involves picking and choosing and rearranging into new patterns: interpolation and extrapolation. With John thinking is more like tapping into a vast energy bank, dredging ancient knowledge from some strange place (the primal well) where it has been hidden by other entities similarly connected. I know when he’s doing it because the hair at the back of my neck starts to stand on end: with John thinking is far more energetic (or even physical) than neurological. His energy, which through his work is now naturally connected, feels and his mind simply verbalises rather than thinks.

Meditation and contemplation are usually considered to be times when the individual relaxes, gets in touch with their own energy and begins to understand deeper meanings. It is our contention that until you work on connectedness, heart-to-heart, with others, your energy will generally be disconnected, at least from what really matters which is the heartworld, and will be unnecessarily limited. It is your connexion with the heartworld that enables you to touch others with your words, thoughts and deeds. Your ability to touch and enhearten is what we call your humanity. Without connexion to the heartworld there will always be an emptiness at the pit of your being, and living will generally be far more stressful than it should be, and real relaxation, which is a falling into something other than self, will be an impossibility. The truth of Heartworld is that everything touches. It is one thing to know this intellectually, or be attracted by its sentiment, it is yet another to truly understand it. Until you become a part of this world your efforts to touch will always fall short. Like Adam’s finger that limply and weakly (half-heartedly) reaches out for God’s, not quite bridging the gap.

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