18 March 2006

Beginner's Mind

Just a whisper of technique. Any more and you become tight and limited. The expertise acquired through practice should be tempered (or countered) with beginner's mind otherwise your practice reduces your possibilities rather than expand them. Beginner's mind is really just an excited innocence – a mind with no expectations – open and willing for anything. As one practices and gets 'better' one gradually slots into a smooth groove along which one flows with ease and grace. This groove is a trap - a slick means to getting closer to another without actually having to open to them. Our culture abounds with such slickness – style & fashion – flash & attractive but empty of heart. A bit like masturbation – dubious momentary pleasure followed by an enduring wretched emptiness (so I'm told). This is why it is important for people of experience to teach – they inspire with their experience and expertise, and the students inspire with their fresh openness: beginner's mind is infectious.

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