07 April 2006


The beauty of between energy is that it is not really dependent at all on the quanitity of energy or strength either or both parties have at their disposal. It depends purely on the qualities of those parties, and the quality of the interaction. If either party has to muster or rouse their energy then it is too late. The between energy depends upon those qualities you present by the simple fact of your being – by the way you live your life and the principles at it's core and foundation. People who live good lives – who consistently and willingly put others first – who wouldn't even consider an alternative – aren't necessarily good-looking, or intelligent, or strong, or admirable even – all these qualities imply an observational separation – they require you to make that distinction. What they are is humble and in that humility they have an immediacy and an attractiveness – the natural ability to disarm and draw the other into their reality – into the inclusive space of their inherent goodness, for want of a better word. This inclusiveness is the key I suspect. The humble person – the natural yielder – exists in a reality that is larger than that of a less humble person, and can therefore swallow it up with ease. Not just with ease but with compassion: if you can contain another then there will be a natural force in play impelling you to. So humility implies, on one level anyway, big heart. You are so close, so involved, so present that the mind cannot make those cheap distinctions that would cause you, or give you an excuse to retreat into your ivory tower of self-congratulatory wankerdom, as my teacher would call it. The pinnacle of humility is sainthood. For that our model and inspiration will always be Dr Chi.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

To meet a saint in your lifetime is a gift. To recgnise it is the beginning. To link your heart to that saint is everything.