13 May 2006

The Structure of Rime IV

     O Outrider!
when you come to the threshold of the stars,
to the door beyond which moves celestial terror--

the kin at the hearth, the continual cauldron that feeds forth
the earth, the heart that comes into being through the blood, the
householder among his familiar animals, the beloved turning to his
beloved in the dark

create love as the leaves
create from the light life
and return to the remote precincts where the courageous move
ramifications of the unknown that appear as trials.

The Master of Rime, time after time, came down the arranged
ladders of vision or ascended the smoke and flame towers of the
opposite of vision, into or out of the language of daily life,
husband to one word, wife to the other, breath that leaps forward
upon the edge of dying.

Thus I said to the source of my happiness, I will return. From
the moment of your love eternity expands, and you are mere man.

water fire earth and air
all that simple elements were

guardians are.

Robert Duncan

1 comment

taiji heartwork said...

"The imagination of the cosmos is as immediate to me as the imagination of my household or my self." RD