23 July 2006

The Work

Real love is in the giving now - when you forget to grasp the future benefit.

Real life happens when you forget to grasp.

The real beauty in you is without beginning, and so without end.

Your only work is to lay this alongside the same beauty in your spiritual companions.

Surround yourself with this faith and truth will move forwards.

The time for talk and small deeds has run out.

John Kells

This is something JK wrote for a student dying of cancer about 7 years ago. In her case the cancer was so obviously a physical manifestation of her intense anger which affected every part of her life, including her health. Needless to say she only gave John's note a cursory glance. Some people do all they can to block grace from their lives - anger and pride being the two classic conditions to achieve such negativity. Humbleness is the opposite and accepts everything as grace.

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Its taken me a few days to write anything about this...I was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. John's words hit home as did yours-searingly. After the weekend, it felt like a body blow.