26 August 2006



This is the beginning of Tai Chi. Gradually the gentle flowing movements encourage the body to shed its tensions, especially those in the upper body and hips.


As the body relaxes it opens up to gravity which draws the body down into the legs which gradually become strong. This in turn strengthens the kidneys and is a real investment for old-age.


As tensions subside and blockages release, energy starts to gather and flow in the body.

Awareness / Sensitivity

Without gross tensions to get in the way, the body starts to feel new sensations to do with energy awakening within. It also starts to become aware of other entities as energy-beings rather than just physical lumps. One also starts to perceive communications with other entities as exchanges and interchanges of energy.

Softness / Yielding / Listening

A quality which refuses to go against anything – a constant yielding. When one relaxes and opens to energy one feels no need to resist others but neither does one feel the need to draw away from them and retreat. Softness and yielding is that middle ground between resistance and retreat. It is a very nourishing place to be largely because it softens and transforms as it touches thereby encouraging a mingling of energies – especially deeper energies associated with essential nature. To be soft requires us to have started the battle of conquering our fears – the place from which our tensions and hardness spring.


“Natural way best way.” This is softness taken further. It attempts to access our essential nature – an aspect of ourselves generally subdued by our desires and conditioning, and eventually install it as the fundamental driving force in our life.

Light & Lively

This is associated with a sense of humour – a refusal to allow things, even the Tai Chi, to get you down. It is a felicitousness – a natural and appropriate unhurried speed – quick and bright. An aspect of spirit.


Spirit, or ‘spirit of vitality’, is an energy that rises in the body, expresses in the eyes, and is responsible for organising and coordinating all our faculties so that we work in prime condition no matter how we ‘feel’. It is a natural fighting energy (‘fighting spirit’) and it starts to cultivate internally when the student brings the fight inside, battling their own fear, pride, arrogance, laziness, etc, albeit with a yielding softness. This is the arena of solo practice – a little every day is recommended. Eventually the spirit shines full and clear.


This is an unusual quality – an attractiveness and natural adherence to things. It comes from practising perseverance, with spirit – a gentle persistent spirit that teases constantly through the practice.


Particularly the heart – an open heart naturally empathises and willingly engages. But also an open body. When the joints relax and loosen the body naturally takes on a rounder shape and as the energy develops the character also becomes round and full.

Entering / Embracing / Connecting

Knowing that no matter how one feels, and no matter the state of one's energy, opening and connecting to others compassionately, which requires a moving forward – an entering and an embracing of their domain – will bring positive affects all round.


This really means giving yourself completely and unconditionally to the task at hand – no reserve, no reservations. The connexions we make and the situations we find ourselves in are managed best if we throw ourselves in with enthusiasm and energy. Energy is their to be spent rather than horded and only by spending it will we get stronger.

Giving from the heart

Of our energy and our essential nature. This is what my teacher calls destiny. If we never fully reveal and give of our true nature then our life has been largely wasted.


Karen Puerta and Tim Walker said...

The difficulty I have is about going forward and connecting when feeling crap. Normally I want to temporarily withdraw from the world when in this state of mind and body, and to my current way of thinking giving the self space to heal seems to be the strategy that works best. Maybe going forward and opening works with others who are naturally giving or experienced in heartwork but with those who aren't there's the risk of getting chewed and further drained.

taiji heartwork said...

It's the most difficult thing imaginable - to cut through your mood and create a better one. That's real creativity. We connect to other sources of energy to make such a change possible, not to be nice and give them some energy (although that is also required if our approach is to be anything other than selfish). This is Pushing Hands all over: one is confronted by the other despite the fact that one is tired after a days work and just wants to be alone. One decides to make the best of it and very quickly gets involved and engrossed to the point of receiving a second wind - a gift of energy. In every situation one is confronted by there is a spark of magic and life that will take you forward if only you're open to it. It's the gift of the unknown. The 'feast is forwards' means to constantly tread into that unknown. The wonder of this method is that eventually one learns that it is the most nourishing and enlivening and rejuvenating path there is. What holds us back is fear and negativity.

Karen Puerta and Tim Walker said...

Definitely held back by fear and negativity but based on past experience. Don't most children go forward but learn not to because they end up getting hurt?

My main point though is about people who want to 'make a meal' out of you (ie eat your energy) or are in a mood for conflict. Because you feel weak energetically you're not in a postion to deal with the situation and end up being further weakened.
I've experience of being energised by situations where I've had no choice but to get involved (ie go forward) but as far as I can recollect these situations have been with people who are decent. Surely one of the lessons of tai chi is to take action to avoid even arriving at the point where you face conflict?

I'm also enquiring here though about periods in time when your energy is undergoing a change and you are temporarily weakened. Then it can be really difficult dealing with anyone.