28 March 2007


Rooting isn't just allowing our own energy to drain into the earth, but allowing everything to drain there through us. Like a siphon. Our magnanimity reaches out and brings everything around in and down. This is our function, partly, as compassionate beings – to earth – to bring peace. It requires a quiet, unassuming but ever present strength: to be the pillar upon which the world rests. As the energy and the experience passes through us it is cleansed and the world is relieved – tension is released. We are also cleansed and strengthened through the process: the heart expands and opens to accept and receive all around without the possibility of labeling or judging. Nothing is any better or worse. What is happening is happening and needs to happen and our function is to embrace it, bring it through and let it leave a whisper of an imprint – just enough to learn what needs to be learnt. Then the soles of the feet become the most active and charged parts of the body. They really sing.

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