16 September 2007


We have to ask ourselves time and time again what it is that makes sharing, and consequently transformation, a natural phenomenon. Ultimately it is a willingness to always put the other person first. This doesn't mean deferring to them or even giving them respect, it means wanting to join with them more than anything else. This desire for union manifests as an attraction, the final result of which is physical oneness – superimposition. When we talk of a spiritual reality we don't mean a symbolic one. We mean one that is real and present on every level, including the physical/mundane. If we deny this realm then we enter a dangerous situation where the reality we experience is being created by our mind as we go along. The unity/oneness we talk about is the one that comes about simply because our physical presence – our body – fills with such an intensity of awareness and feeling that there is no space for anything else, not even the mind. The difficulty is to give such a reality expression without it burning all and sundry, and without it slackening with concern. That expression can only naturally be the desire for oneness.

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