24 June 2008


The thinking mind constantly reaffirms our own story about ourself, even when it is objectively considering. In fact the mind is incapable of objectivity because its sole concern is survival and dominance, and when these are concerns the story is always going to be far from the truth. There is one constant physical activity guaranteed to cut through both the story and the need for the story: breathing. When we become aware of our breathing our physical presence overshadows our mental one. Our minds can still think but the body can't take it all that seriously. Only when we forget the breathing are we invaded by fear, anxiety, hope, expectation, envy, greed, etc. When we breathe deeply and slowly and above all consciously then is all we have is what is here: we are what we appear to be: we become natural – part of Nature.

1 comment

Unknown said...

I find breathing to be the key thing that for me when I do tai chi chuan. I've only been practicing for about 6 months but just paying attention to my breathing is a really relaxing and powerful thing in of itself.

Your blog is very serene and peaceful to read and visit. Well done.