Elected Silence, sing to me
And beat upon my whorlèd ear
Gerard Manley Hopkins
31 March 2011
30 March 2011
29 March 2011
28 March 2011
27 March 2011
Thinking, done well, is the mind travelling at great speed along creative lines of discovery. It has nothing to do with language – that comes later, when we try to voice thought, if only to ourselves. The struggle is to keep these lines extending, because as their energy inevitably dwindles, they start to spiral around themselves – collapsing onto the last landmark (significant insight) upon which of course a world can be built but at the cost of the relative death of real thinking and real life. Once thinking has settled on a way of ordering itself it enters a consolidatory process of repetition – habitually thinking the same old thoughts. The average person builds their world around second-hand thought – those of parents, teachers, peers, culture. Spiritual teaching is all about breaking free of received patterns. In taichi we achieve this by working with strange concepts such as yielding, central equilibrium, natural movement, energy, spirit, and by endeavoring to lodge thinking firmly in the body – to feel the connexion between mind and body – how thoughts change the body. This is our ethics.
26 March 2011
24 March 2011
the body is two things at once. On the one hand, it is the set of politically acceptable, social and habitual acts which make up a person. On the other, the body is malleable and transient, without any fixed organization. It is in a sense the reality of living life otherwise, of being-otherwise.
Jonathan Roffe, in an entry on Hysteria in The Deleuze Dictionary
Jonathan Roffe, in an entry on Hysteria in The Deleuze Dictionary
23 March 2011
22 March 2011
21 March 2011
Ethics involves a creative commitment to maximizing connections, and of maximizing the powers that will expand the possibilities of life.
John Marks, in an entry on Ethics in The Deleuze Dictionary
John Marks, in an entry on Ethics in The Deleuze Dictionary
20 March 2011
We extract principle from experience to put it back and hopefully live a better life. Is this wise? The only thing we can be sure of is that plastering interpretations onto life will rob it of spontenaity and lightness. Everything connects, and our struggle is to ensure such connexions are good – honest and from the heart rather than cagey and manipulative – active rather than reactive – advancing rather than retreating.
19 March 2011
18 March 2011
The essence of an actual entity consists solely in the fact that it is a prehending thing.
A N Whitehead
A N Whitehead
17 March 2011
16 March 2011
15 March 2011
14 March 2011
13 March 2011
11 March 2011
10 March 2011
09 March 2011
Everything contains something else. Every thing, action, thought, process, contains trapped within it what we call the internal. This is the most mysterious of concepts. It is not the history of the thing, or the motivation of the action, or the origin of the thought, or the energy of the process. Neither is it spirit or essence: all of these exist. The true internal neither exists in the way other things do, nor does it not exist. It is the tremor between existence and non-existence. The almost. The divine. The secret. Our job is to help it break free – expose it ever so gently. For this we need to become like it and of it – foresake the swagger of knowing for the sake of an ever opening softness.
08 March 2011
you enter into something fully and, in doing that, you take it beyond its own limits or expose it to its own limitations
Jeffrey W Robbins
Jeffrey W Robbins
07 March 2011
06 March 2011
The only way out of the morass was a radical leap of faith, a flight into the unknown.
Sylvère Lotringer
Sylvère Lotringer
04 March 2011
03 March 2011
02 March 2011
I sink deep – into Earth and bones – of body and character – until I become of the Earth. Then, and only then, is my humanity released – I become both human and extra-human. Part of my humanity is the drive to go beyond myself – to exceed my self, and reach for the stars. For this I need more energy than my paltry frame can either harbor or muster – I need the Earth.