01 August 2014

My six year old daughter has got into the bad habit of promising "Later" whenever I ask her to do something she doesn't feel like doing. It's a procrastination that, of course, never ends because that "Later" never arrives. It's a habit we all get into, and we all indulge, often without realising: every time we turn aside from something difficult or painful or distasteful, every time we opt for the easy way out, we are effectively saying "Later" because at some point that something will have to be dealt with – it's the simple law of karma. Spiritual work, in a sense, is all about getting to Heaven – a future free of karmic debt. In other words, it's all about dealing with things now, as they crop up, and if nothing crops up then dig around until something does. Hell is simply the mire of unresolved issues we find ourselves in, a mire that will only thicken with avoidance.

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