04 March 2015

Before Earth can usefully develop my energy I must possess a well-defined centre of gravity. This is the dantien (belly) about which my physicality gathers. Mind in dantien – the first instruction in Taiji – aims to develop this centre, not just as an abstract point some distance from the head, but as a real physical entity: a heavy stone in the belly that the Earth pulls strongly when I manage to relax the muscles that surround it. The pull of gravity on my dantien keeps me grounded, and stimulates the higher centres to open up and operate:
  • solar plexus (power and creativity) 
  • heart (affection and love) 
  • thymus (passion, desire and fighting spirit) 
  • throat (expression and joy) 
  • eyes (vision and foresight) 
  • crown (higher energies). 
Without an athletic body, firmly bound to the Earth, I can never be full and free.

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