01 July 2016

We are all story tellers – tellers of tales – so much so we forget that behind the stories there is a real world. The temptation to elaborate, exaggerate, fib and lie (what else can words do?) for self gain is far too strong for most to resist. Yet this is the work: to leave the world of words and enter the world of things; energy then follows and flows naturally. And this is why, for us, touch is everything. When I touch another then words disappear and the heart cannot but open and do its helpful work. It is like tending a wounded enemy or a hurt wild animal: the hands both restrain and heal. The capture and the rapture. Ruthless compassion. Central equilibrium.

1 comment

Unknown said...

But words - as in poetry - are never as precise as numbers. They are always reaching out to what is beyond speech. The precision of the poet is in juxtaposing the words so they suggest more than the surface, definable, meanings.