14 March 2018

Many live under the presumption that happiness is just around the corner, that a change of fortune is all that's required: meeting my soulmate, winning the lottery, a promotion, a holiday in the sun, a baby, future enlightenment, whatever; all to do with feeling unhappy now because I don't quite have what I want. And yet experience repeatedly tells me that the happiness of wish-fullfilment is shallow, short-lived and anti-climactic to say the least. That the thrill of the chase made me happier than catching and having what I was chasing. Real happiness comes from active engagement rather than from winning. Everything required, not just for happiness but for complete enlightenement is here, right now, if only I awaken to it AND engage it. Real happiness is always creative, active, interested, and interesting, and yet the deeper I become, the richer my internal life, the less I need to do to be creative and to be active. Being becomes becoming and becoming is being.

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