30 June 2020
Clearly distinguish full and empty; substantial and insubstantial; body and spirit. This happens naturally on standing or sitting: the body sinks with gravity and the spirit lifts with levity. And even more strongly as the standing body becomes single-weighted: the weighted side becomes full and the free side becomes empty. And on turning the waist: the body is thrown away centrifugally whereas the spirit (mind) gathers centripetally at the still centre.
29 June 2020
28 June 2020
27 June 2020
26 June 2020
25 June 2020
The most important word in our work is RESPECT. This is not a sentiment we turn to when we feel like it but a tension we strive to maintain throughout our day. It's what we mean by quiet mind: a sustained concentration on respect. Attention to the needs of the Other rather than the self. It used to be called fear of God.
A spiritual teacher introduces you to reality. And believe me, despite protestations to the contrary from many an eager student, this is the last thing in the world anyone in their right mind really wants. This is why the teacher must first disguise his intentions and second reveal only the faintest glimmers. So faint or fleeting that the student may not appear to notice. Then it's just a matter of time. Practice helps of course but it's a moot point as to whether it's essential.
24 June 2020
23 June 2020
22 June 2020
21 June 2020
Why is spirit so vitally important? Because spirit is the ingredient that prevents life and especially work from becoming habitual, dull and wearing. Our work (spiritual work) requires us to masterly wield a lightness of spirit that effortlessly lights up (lightens and makes radiant) the dullest of routines.
Spiritual work is all about tackling fear, facing (up to) fear. If instead we merely push frightening things into the background then not only will our spirits remain under-exercised and misdirected, but as our energy inevitably wanes with age, those things will come crushing back in. It's what we avoid that catches us out in the end.
20 June 2020
19 June 2020
17 June 2020
16 June 2020
14 June 2020
What would I tell someone starting out on this journey? That it all hinges on internal quiet, so better start meditating right away. Without inner quiet you have to take someone else's word for it, and then all you can do is repeat their words. What is the value in that? Far better to find out for yourself.
13 June 2020
it is like the reverberation of a bell rung three times
like the call of a voice the call of a voice that is not there
12 June 2020
11 June 2020
10 June 2020
08 June 2020
I remember once presenting my teacher with an insight that was purely the product of my clever extrapolating mind. He listened patiently then said: "That's very intelligent, but you have to realise that your intelligence is the worst part of you." An intelligence acutely aware of its own limitations is the only one worth cultivating.
07 June 2020
This whole Black Lives Matter thing I find a bit odd. Seeing hordes of indignant (middle-class) people brandishing placards yet obediently wearing facemasks… Each day over 200 species become extinct, every fortnight at least one language (a whole people) dies, every second over 5000 animals are slaughtered for food. Surely they are more worthy of protest? This is the thing about the bourgeoisie: their energy is too poor to face the glare of reality so they concern themselves with relative trivialities.
06 June 2020
05 June 2020
04 June 2020
Finding it difficult to breathe wearing a facemask? Consider it a breathing exercise. Activate the diaphragm and belly muscles to strongly suck the air through the fabric of the mask and into the lungs, then push the breath strongly out. Someone carefully observing should see the mask suck against your face on the in-breath and balloon away on the out-breath. Natural reverse breathing. Eventually you won't want to take it off.
The most mysterious part of a teaching is what's known as a transmission of energy. It is a seed of spirit which the teacher plants inside the student. It can take years of regular exposure, or it can transmit in a glance. The only thing for sure is that it requires individual contact – you can't get it from a book or a video. Once planted the seed will start to grow, slowly, very slowly. Practice is simply what you do to tend and nurture and speed that growth: watering, feeding, weeding, debugging. You know you have received a transmission because it eats into every aspect of your being and your life. It cannot be escaped and only gets stronger with time. Attempts to ignore its imperatives will only produce problems later on. It has its own attendant problems of course: it becomes more and more demanding of time and energy, and there's always the risk that it will stretch your spirit to breaking point. But without a transmission there is nothing to take the place of ego, and spiritual work tends to just beat about the bush, missing the crucial point of it all, namely spirit.
03 June 2020
02 June 2020
01 June 2020
when reality is no longer organized and pacified by the fantasy screen, the experience of the real emerges in a way that is unique for each person