forget self & become one with the dao
MilarepaWhen appearances and emptiness are not separate,This is mastery of the view.When waking and dreaming are not distinct,This is mastery of meditation.When bliss and emptiness are not distinct,This is mastery of conduct.When this life and next are not distinct,This is mastery of the abiding nature.When mind and space are not distinct,This is mastery of the dharmakaya.When happiness and suffering are not distinct,This is mastery of the key instructions.When afflictions and wisdom are not distinct,This is mastery of realization.When one’s mind and buddha are not distinct,This is mastery of fruition.
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When appearances and emptiness are not separate,
This is mastery of the view.
When waking and dreaming are not distinct,
This is mastery of meditation.
When bliss and emptiness are not distinct,
This is mastery of conduct.
When this life and next are not distinct,
This is mastery of the abiding nature.
When mind and space are not distinct,
This is mastery of the dharmakaya.
When happiness and suffering are not distinct,
This is mastery of the key instructions.
When afflictions and wisdom are not distinct,
This is mastery of realization.
When one’s mind and buddha are not distinct,
This is mastery of fruition.
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