The farmer, whose “world” might strike the city dweller as narrow and poor, in the end possesses “that which is” much more intimately and immediately. The farmer’s experience proceeds quite differently into the whole and comes quite differently out of the whole than the agitated squirming of the city dweller, who clings only to the “telephone and radio.” The smallest and narrowest sphere of known beings has nevertheless its expansion into the whole; even narrowness is always still an expanse—an expansion into the whole. On the other hand, the widest variety is largely lacking in expanse, so much so that it—as mere scatterings and their running on and on—never even amounts to a narrowness.
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Heidegger: Beginnings of Western Philosophy
The farmer, whose “world” might strike the city dweller as narrow and poor, in the end possesses “that which is” much more intimately and immediately. The farmer’s experience proceeds quite differently into the whole and comes quite differently out of the whole than the agitated squirming of the city dweller, who clings only to the “telephone and radio.” The smallest and narrowest sphere of known beings has nevertheless its expansion into the whole; even narrowness is always still an expanse—an expansion into the whole. On the other hand, the widest variety is largely lacking in expanse, so much so that it—as mere scatterings and their running on and on—never even amounts to a narrowness.
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