25 June 2021

This task of dismantling the false self to arrive at some truth lurking beneath is truly herculean and it cannot be tackled alone. Firstly you need a teacher to tell you what to do and then to correct what you do. Left to your own devices you will always pick and choose unwisely and end up doing things your own way rather than the right way. And secondly you need companions (what my teacher called comrades in arms) – fellow travellers for support and inspiration when things get tough, otherwise the chances of you continuing, let alone progressing, are very slim. The teacher (it must be one rather than many otherwise again you will pick and choose) will set a work regime which, if you are serious, you will follow religiously. My own teacher told me to practise at least three hours a day on my own and as much as possible with others. He was adamant that class work, either as student or teacher, does not constitute practice. Then it's just a matter of perseverance. The only other thing that needs to be said is that if you are serious then you cannot expect to live a normal life. Normal lives are for people dedicated to preening and bolstering the false self, and are governed by principles of acquisition and accrual. Our lives are dedicated to the opposite and are governed by principles of reduction and sacrifice. This requires real courage – to willingly live against the grain of society. It means everyone you know who isn't a comrade in arms will be disappointed in you, and you shouldn't expect anything else.

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