31 December 2023

the soul's radical innocence
Light head-top : lifting & shining. Brain must rebalance, away from frontal lobe toward cerebellum. Tip of tongue on roof of mouth, projecting through pineal to head-top.
We think by feeling. What is there to know?
learning to be perenially cheerful
this is the work
our first responsibility
no one escapes responsibility
endlessly unravelling into the world
coming undone
When the mind quietens, your centre shifts, and everything changes. Then no place to dwell but the real.
rituals performed in private
change the face of the world
ego is your very own personal fetish
full of feeling
empty of emotion

30 December 2023

the freedom to change
When teaching, guard against flights of fancy – extravagant extrapolations of the indulgent mind.
The self says, I am;
The heart says, I am less;
The spirit says, you are Nothing.
when practising try out (test) everything that crops up
ego is the ultimate false idol

29 December 2023

real change requires a complete dismantling

28 December 2023


1/2 tsp each of various powders (spirulina, matcha, moringa, cocoa, ginger, cinnamon...) 
3 tsp each of seeds & berries (chia, pumpkin, flax, sunflower, sesame, cranberries, blueberries...) 

mix together well

add enough soya milk to cover & 1/2 tsp honey 

stir well so everything wet 
leave to sit until solid (30 mins) 

add tahina, peanut butter, oils (olive, avocado, flax, hemp, pumpkin, coconut, milk thistle...) 

beat into a sticky disgusting mess

eat slowly, chewing well
For better or worse, it is the human kingdom that now reigns on earth, threatening to cut the very roots of the Tree of Life.
dervish whirling
flesh flung outward

spirit gathered
around a hearth
we practise to change
to stand more revealed
choosing not to see won't make it go away

27 December 2023

Daoism: nature / spirit
Confucianism: man / mind
All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.
making a voyage of the heart
from vague to certain
and back again

26 December 2023

new sights, old sounds: exotic destinations, same old shit in the head

25 December 2023

With a good vertical posture (chin pulled in lengthening the neck and sacrum hanging heavily lengthening the lumbar spine) then the three dantiens (belly heart head) are on a line from the crown of the head to the perineum.
language is a device for taking the mystery out of reality
don't take sides
very difficult when one side is your own
the movement of return

24 December 2023

re-enchant the world

Taiji (yin/yang) is not a dialectic, not two opposing principles, thesis & antithesis producing a synthesis, but two complementary processes, each producing the other. Excess of yang produces yin, and vice versa. An easy example is night becomes day then day becomes night.
Egos appear by setting themselves apart from other egos. Persons appear by entering into relation with other persons.
When a journalist asked Gandhi to sum up the secret of life in three words he said: Renounce and enjoy!
ego: the great mediator

23 December 2023

wandering & wondering

22 December 2023

It is telling, is it not, that the rise of the ego in human history coincided with the switch from matriarchal to patriarchal societies.

21 December 2023

Philosophy is the act of interrogating the most familiar to reveal it as the most strange.
if you must think then think the unthought – think the unthinkable

20 December 2023

juggling the principles

19 December 2023

Belly seeks Earth. Heart seeks Heaven. In meditation it is the hoop of the linked arms that contains this conflict of interests. Yielding: unifying opposites within containing roundness.
If only I'd been taken under the wing of wisdom. I suspect we all think this at some point as we approach the end. But that wing was always inside and not outside – inside the heart. If you come to this, on your own, then, I suspect, you are saved.
in my younger days, my name
was wild apricot tree in a fertile field
Every experience, no matter how trivial or mundane, contains a jewel. We have to live with such faith otherwise we waste a life.
unset the jaw
it's not your thoughts that define you but your energy – the unique quality of your spirit

Next time it's time to practise, cast your mind back to how it felt to be consumed by mad passionate love. Then bring a cast of that passion to your work. This is a positive use of mind. Recollection. Remembrance. À la recherche du temps perdu.
the art of obtaining freedom from the fundamental human disability of egoism

as wonder brings thought to a halt so quietening the mind should plunge one into wonderment
interstices between the pigeonholes

18 December 2023

visualisation is thinking in images rather than words

Observe the physical tensions involved in formulating thoughts. Tensions that maintain a distance: keeping the world where it belongs: safely at bay. This is how we maintain the illusion of control.
What is Zen? Simple, simple, so simple. Infinite gratitude toward all things past; infinite service to all things present; infinite responsibility to all things future.
find inspiration (poetry) everywhere
trial & error

17 December 2023

a slow but steady war of attrition (against ego) is the most we mortals can muster

The teacher provides the means to progress. We still have to do the work. But without their guidance, that work is hit & miss at best.
Never to allow gradually the traffic to smother
With noise and fog, the flowering of the spirit.

absorbing energy through deep breathing
formless & essential
become an open window to the divine source
To begin with we learn a Form. This must be practised asiduously to get it as close to your teacher's as possible. Always working from basic principles; always coming back to those principles. Eventually the Form is so internalised that it becomes second nature. Then the real work starts: practising the Form to take you back to your first nature. This requires a judicious breaking of principles to come to a deeper understanding of what they really mean. Somehow coaxing the energy to take you deeper than your understanding. Using Form to reach the formless. What Ueshiba called using spirit to transcend form.
To be modern is to destroy nature.
we only improve the world by improving ourselves

16 December 2023

become a better person – a bigger heart

15 December 2023

prayer keeps a channel open
We repeat (the Form) not to produce identical copies but to generate variations (differences) some of which may strike a chord and warrant further investigation. This is the nature of practice / progress.
sheltering the daydreamer and encouraging charged stillness
once on the downhill slope we need to attend to three things: flexibility  balance  emptiness

14 December 2023

jolted out of my stupor

13 December 2023

demystify the arcane and remystify the mundane
The teacher should feel that she has no choice but to teach. This means that the student needs to be so empty that their very presence sucks the teaching from the teacher. This is extremely difficult especially as we get older – more full of ourselves and therefore more stagnant.
The notion that human life is sacred just because it is human is medieval.
the next stage is always the most difficult
practice & patience go hand in hand

12 December 2023

practice prepares you for the other
An internal teaching has little to do with acquiring information or knowledge. It teaches an immediate & intense engagement with reality, which requires a dismantling of your world (the buffer that inevitably builds up to protect the self from reality). This, of course, is purely the realm of spirit.
Happiness is not found in things you possess, but in what you have the courage to release.
it's not the things you chose to do that make you a better person but the demands thrust upon you
practice requires solitude
internal work is all about dealing with karma by breaking habits
There is a world of difference between working for love of self (health, fitness, pleasure, fulfilment, longevity) and working for love of God (passion, spirit, intensity, creativity, yielding).
the world, lacking closure, requires ongoing imaginative and interpretive efforts
practice prepares you for the other
nature : yin
nurture : yang

11 December 2023

quietening to maintain an open channel

For an internal teaching to reveal itself conditions must be just right. Teacher inspired & willing. Student attentive & prepared.
Truth is a relational process.
the good teacher practises what she teaches
taking a leisurely stroll
the good teacher should be an even better student
Imagination becomes reality. My teacher despised this apothegm of Liang's but, for me, it gains daily.

10 December 2023

those great oaks whose roots reach the center of the earth and whose branches touch the heaven
if you want the crown chakra to open to heaven then the root chakra must first open to earth
it's all about winning the fight
the fight with your own self

09 December 2023

an intensity that wakes you up to a world others cannot see
Our quiet mind is not only free of thoughts (empty-mind), it has abandoned the ability to think (no-mind). Such a mind, being real (eminently natural), encounters a world of wonderment, a world teeming and sparkling with spirits.

08 December 2023

It is only the things we don't understand that have any meaning.
until the student has established a daily practice regime they are not really a student
taiji is for life not just for Christmas
meditation: an intense & radiant form of life
If the posture is right then prayer (lifting heart & mind to God in the absence of thoughts) is entirely natural. The levity that balances gravity.
the curse of mankind, that which keeps our manhood so little and so depraved, is its sense of selfhood, and the absurd abominable opinionativeness it engenders
practice: trying to find the right switch to flick then plucking up the courage to flick it then gathering the strength to keep it on
wise & simple alike

07 December 2023

meditation becomes prayer the moment you forget self
Feel the universe as an infinite array of connecting threads. Prayer opens up to such a thread and allows cosmic energy to stream through you. Prayer reconnects to god, the universe, destiny, the bigger picture, the infinite. It requires openness & surrender.
getting past oneself in order to wake up to a reality outpacing one’s intentions
depression is a luxury & indulgence none of us can afford
true meaning is always beyond us
spiritual work endeavours to break the karmic cycle
this requires lots of faith, patience, compassion and humility
We all want to be loved. But to be loved (by anyone other than mummy) we must become lovable. And the sure way to become lovable is to learn to truly love. It's all very simple. Really.
Europe is overpopulated, the world will soon be in the same condition, and if the self-reproduction of man is not rationalized... we shall have war.
attending to the world as if for the first time

06 December 2023

instances of hard-won balance & poise
always at risk : without guarantees

05 December 2023

The nicest thing ever said to me was from a stranger who, upon watching my Form, said: "It looks like you've been doing Taiji since before you were born."
maybe being powerful means to be fragile
conscience is the closest most of us get to the voice of God
an inner, if not innate, knowing that hasn't been learnt
nothing more lonely than being in wrong company
like an artist 
you cannot 
not work
As an artwork is an avenue into the artist's soul, so is your Taiji. It should expose & reveal the real you as nothing else can.

04 December 2023

We are too alive to die, and too dead to live.

a living teaching generates its own material but there's no way you could tell anyone about it except maybe in verse or song

03 December 2023

ego is obsessed with thinking 
at the expense of feeling & being

02 December 2023

01 December 2023

Being is becoming. The basic message of Buddhism. Interconnexion. Interpenetration. Everything connected. Everything bleeding into everything else. We must feel this as a reality rather than think it as concept.

I stand before a tree. I behold that tree. I allow my being to receive an impression of that tree and thereby I become the tree. I am impressionable. And as I behold (become) the tree so the tree beholds (becomes) me. I both behold and am beheld (and thereby beholden). This is what connexion means and is perfectly natural. 

The internal monologue prevents this process. It protects us from becoming the world. This is understandable since the world we have made for ourselves is largely ugly, boring and demeaning, and this is why it is imperative that we encounter the natural world regularly. Otherwise we forget what it means to be really alive.
I allow myself eddies of meaning:

it all went wrong when we learnt to lie
learnt to overrule heart with head