19 November 2005

The Celtic Heart

This from John Connell in Dublin. The language defines you. As does your use of it.

I was with Ray a few days ago travelling on the upstairs of a Dublin bus. A large group of teenage schoolkids got on and filled the upstairs. We didn't pay much attention to them - just the background chatter rising and falling behind us and in front. A stop or two before they got off I suddenly realised they were all conversing in Irish. Not the stilted awkward Irish I remember from school, but a very fresh light-hearted banter full of life and delight. I feel like sending the school a letter of appreciation and support for the way they have created an environment for these 16-18 year olds to interact with each other in a creative linguistic way. They are the real Resistance. An alternative to mediocre conforming sameness.

Everything has a jewel. The heart has a jewel, the teaching has a jewel, the poem has a jewel - an essential lively core that twinkles and gleams, no matter how faintly. Our job is to focus on that jewel and not be distracted. If others want a meeting with you then they meet you there; otherwise they're a waste of time.

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